
Coronal Mass Ejection detection
February 2, 2023
Klepsydra AI – ESA OBMark-ML online demo I: The Coronal Mass Ejection Detection

What is Coronal Mass Ejection? A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a significant release of plasma and...

Klepsydra SDK
January 19, 2023
Klepsydra SDK Community Edition Release 7.0

Keeping our commitment with open source software , our team has released a large number of features...

Autotuning Klepsydra
February 4, 2022
Klepsydra Autotuning: a fine tool for optimisation

Written by Isabel del Castillo (COO) The autotuning is a visual tool that enables users to optimise...

ROS Klepsydra
October 21, 2021
Klepsydra’s ROS 2 executor at the ROSCON

Klepsydra presented its ROS2 executor at the ROSCON workshop. ROS stands for Robotic Operating System and it...

Klepsydra at IMD Competition
September 17, 2021
IMD Competition

Pablo Ghiglino, CEO and Co-Founder of Klepsydra, has taken part in the #IMD competition that took place...

artificial Intelligence on the Edge demo
January 17, 2021
Artificial Intellience on the Edge online demo

This online demo shows Klepsydra Artificial Intelligence on the edge in action and the power of our...

October 15, 2020
Sustainable software

#Klepsydra is environmentally friendly and we create sustainable software. In a recent research conducted by our team,...