Artificial Intellience on the Edge online demo

This online demo shows Klepsydra Artificial Intelligence on the edge in action and the power of our algorithm to process data in real time. Specifically, this demo demonstrates the pose determination of an asteroid using artificial intelligence algorithms.

The use of AI onboard is very attractive to the Space sector. However, its intensive power consumption currently prevents its use in real missions. Klepsydra solves this challenge for the Space sector with the advanced algorithms and low power consumption of Klepsydra AI.

AI Online Demo

The demo presents the output of three different products. The output of these shows in real time the video streaming of processed images, CPU usage and data throughput. This allows users to visually observe, the benefits of Klepsydra Artificial Intelligence.

There are some challenges related to computing power requirements when solving all kind of real-life problems such as computer vision, face recognition, robotics applications, health care, etc. This challenge is usually the poor AI model performance in small computers. Current solutions for AI on the edge experience limitations in data processing volume. Some of this limitations are data losses, long latencies, and CPU saturation.

Klepsydra has solved these problems by developing an inference engine, based on our advanced software algorithms, that executes AI models more efficiently. Consequently, Klepsydra processes 2x more data with 50% less CPU than the leading competition, as you can see in the demo.

This DEMO is in real time and it lasts 20 minutes and contains 3 elements:

  • Data throughput chart. This shows the speed in Hz at which Klepsydra and the other two products can process images.
  • CPU consumption chart. Percentage of use of the computer by the three solutions.
  • Video streaming. These images depict the asteroid position based on data processed by the three products.

To conclude, the results of the demo show that  Klepsydra Artificial Intelligence on the Edge is more deterministic:

  • CPU usage is 50% less than the other competitors,
  • Throughput is 2x more than the other two products.