Klepsydra Technologies
High performance software for edge computing
What is the problem we want to solve?

What is Klepsydra’s solution?
Klepsydra is a cutting-edge Software Development Toolkit (SDK) and suite of software libraries designed specifically for edge computing. This innovative platform offers a unique solution to the challenge of processing large volumes of data on the edge. Klepsydra’s software products for edge computing applications provide exceptional performance, with up to 10 times faster data processing and AI capabilities on the edge compared to traditional approaches. Moreover, Klepsydra achieves this with substantially less power consumption, making it a cost-effective and eco-friendly choice for businesses and organisations.
How we do it?

Klepsydra SDK
Klepsydra SDK is a powerful software tool that allows algorithms to be optimised for use in small edge devices and real-time applications. Compatible with a wide range of computers on the market, Klepsydra can significantly enhance the performance of algorithms by reducing processor power consumption while processing up to 10 times more data. This translates into a more efficient and cost-effective solution for data-intensive applications, with potential energy savings of up to 75%.
Klepsydra AI
Klepsydra AI is an advanced AI inference engine solution that enables running pre-trained AI/ML models on edge devices for real-time applications. It is compatible with most computers available in the market, making it a versatile option for a wide range of applications.
Algorithm GPU Streaming
Robotic Toolkit
Increase hardware performance for onboard data processing in spacecrafts and cubesats.