Klepsydra Technologies


Optimised hardware for edge data processing in robotic applications

High performance software with low power consumption for IoT devices


  • Toolkit for applications like edge IoT devices
  • Safety and reliability, cost reduction, scalability

Klepsydra AI. High performance AI on the edge with low power consumption


A high performance deep neural network engine for edge computers.

  • Process up to 5x more data with AI
  • Reduce power consumption
  • Compatible with main providers of AI software

Klepsydra Odroid XU4 Performance Benchmark


It responds to a growing need for edge devices that process large volumes of data on the edge, and not in the cloud.

  • 2x to 8x increase in data processing capabilities
  • x5 to x10 increase in image processing capability
  • 25%-50% less power consumption


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