Klepsydra SDK. High performance software for IoT.
Overview of high performance software for IoT
Klepsydra SDK is a high performance software development toolkit for applications like edge IoT devices. It offers three main benefits:
- Safety and reliability
- Cost reduction
- Scalability
Klepsydra SDK has been inspired by high frequency trading technologies and has a unique performance and low power consumption in the market.
Figure 1. Klepsydra SDK
Core benefits of Klepsydra’s high performance software for IoT
Safety and reliability
Zero data losses. Klepsydra SDK can guarantee that any sensor data or communications message is going to be processed.
Real-time processing. Klepsydra SDK can process data in real time with much less latency than other solutions, like RTI DDS or MQTT.
Predictable applications. Applications built with Klepsydra are substantially more stable, predictable and deterministic than other edge solutions.
Less hardware cost. With Klepsydra SDK, more tasks can be performed on the same hardware, with less power and without any cloud computing support.
Reduce cloud costs. Because Klepsydra SDK increases edge computer capabilities, less or no cloud computing is needed.
IoT applications tend to increase in data volume with time, for example, better sensors, 5G communications, all amount to more data. Klepsydra SDK allows application to increase their data volume requirements on the same hardware.
Moreover, hardware upgrades will have a longer service life with Klepsydra.
Figure 2. Klepsydra SDK setup
Klepsydra SDK can be used for a number of processor intensive and large volume edge IoT devices applications including:
- Sensor data collection
- Image processing
- Data compression
- Sensor data monitoring and filtering
- Processor intensive algorithms
Technical specs
Klepsydra SDK is a layer between the IoT application and the sensors and communication middleware.
The SDK offers two sets pf API, application and composition:
- The application API is a simple asynchronous API and follows the publish – subscribe pattern.
- The composition API is for performance tuning and follows the strategy pattern or dependency injection.
Core features
Klepsydra has three main core features:
- 2x to 8x increase in data processing capabilities with respect to standard techniques (e.g. DDS)
- x5 to x10 increase in image processing capability with respect to standard techniques (e.g.,OpenMP)
- 25%-50% less power consumption with respect to standard techniques.
- Platform independent and easy integration.
Figure 3. Performance benchmark for Klepsydra SDK vs standard data processing.
Klepsydra is platform independent with three main requirements for deployment:
- Operating system present in the target computer
- Target computer with atomic operation set
- C++11 complier for the target computer
Klepsydra is supported in a growing number of platforms including:
- Operating system: Linux, FreeRTOS, RTEMS
- Processors: ARM (V8, Cortex A7, Cortex A9), x86 64 and 32 bits, Cobham Leon3
Figure 4. Image processing benchmark comparison for Klepsydra SDK vs OpenMP
Compatibility features
- Supported languages: C++, C, NodeJS, Python
- Third party integrations: MQTT, DDS, ZMQ, CAN
- Frameworks: MATLAB, OpenMP, OpenCV.
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We offer a 90 days trial license including email support. Phone and onsite support and training can be requested.
Please fill the form below and our team will be in contact to provide access to download our products.