IMD Competition

Pablo Ghiglino, CEO and Co-Founder of Klepsydra, has taken part in the #IMD competition that took place in Lausanne. From #Klepsydra we want to thank all the team members for their support and interest. It has been a great opportunity for us to be in such an important event and hope to be there next year too.

What is IMD Competition?

This IMD competition provides a unique opportunity for startups to get the help and insights of participants in IMD’s MBA and Executive MBA programs.

The startups can benefit from highly talented, experienced and motivated individuals who have been carefully screened to participate in two of the most selective and rigorous business programs in the world.

This offer is open to all Swiss-based startups and runs in collaboration with the Swiss government’s Innosuisse-Swiss Innovation AgencyVentureKickMassChallenge Switzerland, Verve and Amazon Web Services.

IMD Competition selects up to 38 different startups to work with IMD MBAs and Executive MBAs.

They are looking for early-stage companies that have a solid chance of market success, have a team that is curious and willing to open themselves up to a small group of management “students”, are pleased to enter into both strategic and business model discussions, and can provide a good learning opportunity for the participants with timing that aligns with the IMD programs.