
About us

Meet Our Team

Dr Pablo Ghiglino

Founder and CEO

Pablo, the CEO and inventor of Klepsydra’s technology, is a top-tier software developer specializing in trading systems for investment banks. He holds a PhD in Aerospace Engineering and has authored numerous prestigious publications in his field.

Isabel del Castillo

COO & Co-Founder

With a MSc in Philosophy, Isabel has 20 years of experience in Education and more than 10 years in management and accounting roles. Besides financial tasks, she collaborates with business development activities and managing all non-technical related tasks.

Dr Mandar Harshe

Senior C++ developer

With +10 years of experience in robotics and computer vision, Mandar has worked at Wandercraft developing medical exoskeletons, in one of the first self-balanced walking exoskeletons. He also has 2 years of experience working in Deep Learning.

about Klepsydra

Guillermo Sarabia

AI Software Engineer

Silvan Guler

Strategy & Investor Relations

Silvan joined Klepsydra Technologies in 2021 as an advisor and investor, focusing on business development, strategy, and investor relations. He has expertise in international tax, M&A structuring, and holds a Master’s in Law.

Tomasz Drążek

DevOps Engineer

With a M.Sc. Eng. in computer sciences, Tomasz has over 9 years of experience as a developer, and 4 years as a DevOps engineer. Recently he is  concentrated on Yocto building system, CI/CD, containerization and clouds (Azure and AWS)

Klaus Decking

Board Member

With a German Mechanical Engineering degree and a US MBA, Klaus brings international leadership experience in business development and operations. Fluent in several languages, he excels in strategic visioning and cross-functional management.

about us- manuel lopez

Dr Manuel López Palma

FPGA Engineer

With an MSc in Physics and a PhD in engineering, Manuel has followed a dual professional career: as a Professor at the UPC and the industry sector, always in R&D both in hardware and software development.

Mario A. Rueda

Junior C++ Developer

With a BSC in Computer Science, Mario has 2 years of experience as a C++ developer and research technician on the topics of Autonomous Mobile Robotics and Reinforcement Learning (RL).

Jose Luis Barros Fernandez

C++ Developer

Jose Luis earned an MS in Industrial Engineering and an MS in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. His leading interests are Computer Vision and Machine Learning. In the last years, he was involved in the OCR automation at maritime ports.

Marc Mateu

C++ Developer

With a BSc and an MSc in Computer Engineering, Marc has +3 years of experience as FPGA acceleration researcher and 3 years as software developer in the automotive sector. He is focused on performance optimization, microarchitecture and clean code best practices.

Klaus Buchheim

Head of Business Development

Klaus with his background in Electrical Engineering and over 15 years experience in the Space Sector, is focusing on all Business Development and Sales aspects for Klepsydra.

Caio Toledo

C++ Software Engineer

With a Bachelors Degree in Electronics Eng. Caio has almost 10 years of experience on C/C++ Embedded projects, of those 2 years working on computer vision and machine learning projects for low-spec hardware focusing on the performance and portability of the code.

Thanos Andriopoulos

RTOS and C++ developer

Thanos has an MEng in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 4 years of C++ development experience in various sectors, and a focus on clean, reusable code for safety-critical applications.

Mario Hochreiter

Technical Advisor

Mario, an MSc in Computer Science, brings 20 years of software engineering expertise, specializing in low-latency trading systems for investment banks. Recently, he has excelled in building high-performing software engineering teams.

Diego Sillero

Software Q&A

Immersed in critical software/systems testing and validation for the last seven years as SW Quality Engineer. With experience on defense, automotive and healthcare sectors, complying with different functional safety standards, and normative.

With a Master’s in Business Administration and over 15 years of finance experience, Marcel brings extensive financial expertise to Klepsydra. He serves as a financial advisor to the management team and stakeholders.

Miguel Rodriguez

Project Leader

Miguel holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering and has over 30 years of experience in software engineering. His expertise spans both embedded systems and cloud technologies. Miguel also brings valuable project management skills to Klepsydra.




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